The Hawai Preparatory Science Building by Flansburgh Architects is one of facilities you can take into account when you are thinking of building preparatory school. Flansburgh Architects’ Hawai Preparatory Science Building is the award-winning facility that is very well-built. It is made for the students to study, design, and evaluate technologies with renewable energy.
Built in 6,100 square foot, the Hawai Preparatory Science Building by Flansburgh Architects can produce its own energy needs. It can even harvest rainwater for its water needs. The building’s shape and fenestration is also said to be formed by using sophisticated energy models.
Description: The Hawai Preparatory Science Building by Flansburgh Architects is the award-winning facility built by using sophisticated energy models for students to study and evaluate.
“Home isn't where you're from, it's where you find light when all grows dark.”
--Pierce Brown--,
Golden Son
--Pierce Brown--,
Golden Son